people walking with signs in REAL LIFE's End Gun Violence Walk in June

REAL LIFE Conference Strives to Reduce Community Violence

With the rise of violence and younger Americans dying by violence, the importance of using new research and innovative approaches is critical. 

REAL LIFE, started in Richmond in 2016 as a response to the growing number of challenges faced by men and women exiting incarceration, has a conference symposium Sept. 16-17 to help communities better understand tactics, interventions and methods to lower violent crime in their community.

The Beyond Gunshots: Pathways to Safer Communities conference will take place over two days at Virginia Union University. Local, national and international speakers will present research, highlight trends and discuss evidence-based strategies to bolster public safety and decrease community violence – something REAL LIFE has developed and implemented right here in our community.

For over a year, REAL LIFE’s Project SAF (safe, alive and free) has been leading a gun violence reduction program in the City of Hopewell after it saw a 77% increase in homicides in 2022. In one year, homicides were reduced by 70% and overall violence by nearly 50%. The success has fueled REAL LIFE to implement Project SAF in two additional jurisdictions to help lower community violence across Greater Richmond.

“As REAL LIFE engages in this work, we also continue to dive into the research, evidence-based programs and top trends and programs in our country and across the world,” said Dr. Sarah Scarbrough, founder and director of REAL LIFE. “REAL LIFE decided to host a two-day conference where experts from across the globe will share the best information and approaches that can then be brought back to communities.”

The conference agenda currently is in development, but two confirmed speakers are Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger (VA-07) and David Best, professor of addiction recovery at Leeds Trinty University and a founding member of the College of Lived Experience Recovery Organisations in the UK.

“We will have topics across the board from research, programs and approaches to lowering violence, approaches from law enforcement, as well as some outside-of-the-box approaches, such as programming for perpetrators of domestic violence, community resilience and more,”  Scarbrough said. “There will be information for all who attend that can be taken back to their jurisdiction to determine what approach may work best to reduce violence in their community.”

To our corporate readers, REALLIFE is looking for a variety of sponsors, including Diamond ($3,500), Gold ($2,000), Silver ($1,000) and Bronze ($500) investments. There also are add-on sponsorships for breaks and meals, with conference program ads available. If you’re interested in sponsoring, sign up here.

You can learn more about the conference and register as an attendee by visiting REAL LIFE’s website.

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